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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Must Brag

I was 10 minutes late to work this morning...which is not what I'm bragging about. That's actually really bad because my supervisor has recently warned me that I really need to work on being on time. But this morning Riley threw his breakfast on the floor. Then I dropped a plate, which spilled even more breakfast on the floor and broke the plate. Then I had to take a weird long route to my babysitter's house because of construction. Blah.

However, if I'd have gotten my butt in gear earlier and been organized, all of that might not have been a big deal.

So, here's the brag: tonight when I got home from work I cuddled with Riley, read him a story, and put him in bed. Then I did dishes, swept the floor, wiped down counter tops, gathered garbage and convinced my dad to take it out, started a load of laundry, made lunch and breakfast for me to grab on the way out the door tomorrow, picked up all of Riley's toys and other junk in the main room, and set aside clothes for both of us for tomorrow.

And now I'm going to go to bed because that was freaking exhausting.

Amanda, Idaho, 26

1 comment:

  1. hi, I followed a link in your comment on baby center. I've been reading through your blog and just want to say this blog seems like a great resoure. Keep up the good work!
