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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunrise, Sunset

Excuse me, but when did I become the mother of a two-year-old? Since when did my little newborn start liking dinosaurs and trains and Dinosaur Train? It’s like just yesterday that I was roughly the size of a barge with swollen feet that would only fit in flip-flops, and now I have a full personalitied human being on my hands.

And I’m completely okay with it. In some ways it’s like my son’s baby days are so far in the past that I can hardly remember them. Like he’s a different person now.

Like we both are.

As I was brainstorming this blog post I kept getting Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof stuck in my head. Logically, I know that two years are just a drop in the bucket. Soon it will be preschool time. Then kindergarten. Then junior high (*shudder*) and high school and college. College?!?

Just the thought of how fast he’s growing up makes me want to rush in and wake him up, pull him out of his crib, and throw my arms around him. How much longer will he give me kisses on the cheek when I tell him I love him. Will he grow out of saying “Up!” with his arms outstretched all day every day?

Yes. Of course he will. But not today.

I’m going to go give my baby boy a kiss.